The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County is pleased to present the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) to our community. This plan was developed with input from a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral group of community leaders coming together to develop a comprehensive health agenda. The CHIP is a plan that the entire public health system in Miami-Dade County will be able to follow in order to coordinate resources for a more efficient targeted and integrated health improvement efforts (Florida Department of Health, 2012). The CHIP is directly linked to the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP). The 2019-2024 Miami-Dade County’s CHIP addresses six strategic health priorities. These strategic health priorities are Health Equity, Access to Care, Chronic Disease, Maternal Child Health, Injury/Safety/Violence, and Communicable Diseases and Emergent Threats.
Community Health Meeting Reports
The community health meeting reports share the results and feedback during the meetings from public health professionals, community members, state and local health officials, and community organizations to collaborate on prioritizing and addressing the needs of the community through the development of strategies and interventions.
Annual Reports
The activities, accomplishments, and collaborative efforts of the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County and community partners are reflected within the CHIP Annual Reports. The reports serve as a progress review of the strategic health indicators, strategies that were developed and the activities that have been implemented to improve the health of the population served.
Community Health Assessment
The Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) process is community-driven framework for improving community health. MAPP is intended to bring together community organizations, agencies, groups, and individuals that comprise the local public health system. The four assessments of the MAPP process inform the development of the CHIP.
State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP)
The State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) is a statewide plan for public health system partners and stakeholders to improve the health of Floridians. The comprehensive state health assessment (SHA) was conducted to identify the most important health issues affecting Floridians. The five-year priorities of the SHIP are based upon the health issues and strategic opportunities identified in the SHA. The SHIP informs the local CHIP.