Tax Regulations

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a new U.S. tax law whose objective is to reduce or eliminate U.S. tax evasion by U.S. taxpayers who maintain financial accounts outside the United States or invest offshore through non-U.S. entities. This new law impacts all non-U.S. organizations, including sovereign governments, any integral part thereof, their agencies or instrumentalities, and any wholly-owned entities. This section of the site will introduce you to FATCA and help you furnish the appropriate U.S. tax documentation, even if you have not previously needed to furnish any tax certification to Citi.

Important Information

Translated FATCA Tax Form Information

We offer the FATCA translated tax forms and instructions; in several languages to help our clients in completing the English versions. Please note the English version of these forms must be submitted in order for them to be accepted and validated.

Other Information: