Simple Present Exercise – English Grammar Exercises

The simple present exercise checks your understanding of sentences, questions, and negatives in the simple present. Complete these 50 questions to see if you really can use the simple present in English.

Simple Present Exercise

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Question 1 of 1
1 . Question
Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

1. She (plays) (play) baseball on Saturday.
2. We (live) (live) in an apartment.
3. The boys (eat) (eat) breakfast at 7 am.
4. He (has) (have) two brothers.
5. My mother (likes) (like) romantic movies.
6. Pedro (makes) (make) dinner every day.
7. Cynthia and Ramon (work) (work) on Monday.
8. I (go) (go) to school at 8 am.
9. The computer (is) (be) broken.
10. My brother and I (watch) (watch) TV at night.
11. Susana (tries) (try) to learn new things every day.
12. My father (runs) (run) on Saturday morning.
13. I (have) (have) three brothers.
14. Adriana (thinks) (think) pizza is delicious.
15. The girls (want) (want) more pasta.
16. She (gives) (give) money to charity.
17. The computer (works) (work) without a cable.
18. The Toronto zoo (opens) (open) on Saturday.
19. The teacher (helps) (help) the students after class.
20. Everyone (needs) (need) a pen.


21. I (do not want, don't want) (no, want) juice.
22. Sheila (is not, isn't) (no, be) happy.
23. Daniel (does not write, doesn't write) (no, write) on his tablet.
24. The girls (are not, aren't) (no, be) hungry.
25. My dog (does not sleep, doesn't sleep) (no, sleep) in the house.
26. Veronica (is not, isn't) (no, be) a nurse.
27. Paris (is not, isn't) (no, be) in Africa.
28. My teacher (does not give, doesn't give) (no, give) us homework.
29. The store (does not open, doesn't open) (no, open) on Sunday.
30. Pete (does not like, doesn't like) (no, like) sushi.


Fill in the blanks with the correct question words. Your options are do, does, am, is, and are.

31. (Do) you like pizza?
32. (Are) they ready?
33. (Does) your father work on the weekend?
34. (Is) my book in the class?
35. (Are) you a doctor?
36. (Do) they need more coffee?
37. (Are) your parents at home now?
38. (Is) the cat in the kitchen?
39. (Am) I in this class?
40. (Does) she need to bring a book?

The Verb to Be

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be. Your options are am, is, and are.