Compass points (updated 9/15/17)
Abbreviate compass points used to indicate directional ends of a street (E., W., N., S.,) or quadrants of a city (NW, SE) in a numbered address. Use a period after a single-letter abbreviation; no period is needed after a two-letter abbreviation. No comma is needed before a quadrant indicator when it follows a street name.
Write the Energy Bureau, 450 W. State St., Boise, ID 83720.
Information is available from the Copy Editors Association, 1603 Grand Ave. NW, Hackney, IL 60201.
Do not abbreviate a single-letter compass point if the number is omitted.
West State Street
Two-letter abbreviations remain abbreviated even in text.
The office is on NW State Street.
If the address is not part of a complete sentence, do not put a period at the end.
Artagraph, 7100 Warder Ave., Markham, Ontario L3R 5M8 Canada